Outreach Group

This group brings together the clinical leads for Critical Care Outreach Services across the Network. 

The group aims to share new ideas and practice development. The services are benchmarked to enable development of services and learning from each other. Agree common standards. Support is offered to those units developing an Outreach Service. The group provides safe clinical supervision for leads to ensure support structures are in place. Cases are discussed to allow for shared learning. Data set is collected and discussed to allow comparisons of services which provides support to future business cases. 

How often does the group meet?


View meeting dates

Group chair(s)

Kate Edwards - Clinical Matron, Critical Care Outreach and Sepsis at Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust

Vikki Crickmore – Consultant Nurse Critical Care at Isle of Wight NHS Trust

Luke Ridout – Critical Care Outreach Lead at University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust

Links & Resources

NoRF (National Outreach Forum) website National Outreach Forum

NoRF Forum

NoRF Competencies - Framework Level 1 

NoRF Competencies

National Early Warning Score (NEWS) 2 | RCP London

NEWS2 (Royal College of Physicians)

Step Competency Framework (cc3n.org.uk)

CC3N Level 1 Competencies

Critical Care Outreach Practitioner (CCOP) Framework

Intensive Care Society