Curriculum Group
The purpose of the group is to collaborate on the delivery of the Thames Valley and Wessex Adult Critical Care course accredited by Oxford Brookes University.
Lead Practice Educators and Education team members from each unit within the network, including those outside the network who have students attending the TV&W ACCC.

Responsibililities of the group:
Meet and communicate on a regular basis.
Provide peer support.
Review Educational philosophy every 5 years. Due by October 2025
Segment and work on specific course content according to area of expertise.
To involve all Practice Educators from across the region in the delivery of the programme.
Facilitate each study day according to specialist areas.
Commit to delivery of course curriculum.
Commit to updating of course content as required according to contemporary evidence and knowledge.
Explore rotational opportunities.
Sharing good practice, knowledge and resources across all units and specialities.
When does the group meet?
Every two months. Every other meeting is combined with the Practice Educator Group
The group chair(s)
Mary Meeks, Education Project Lead TV&W ODN ACC, and Programme Lead TV&W Adult Critical Care Course