Data Leads
Quality clinical data is of great value to the efficient and effective delivery of critical care both now and the future. Clinical data such as vital signs, clinical notes, laboratory results etc, can be used to discover new knowledge, audit activities, education, research to understand pathologies, investigate variations in clinical practices and provide indicators of patient acuity from scoring systems.
The Data leads group support the provision of high-quality data to be analysed for Case Mix Programmes, Audits, Benchmarking and Research as required. Most of the data are submitted to Intensive care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC).
Data Leads coordinate the collection of these data in various units across the Network and meet to discuss methods by which the quality of data can be improved, data duplication can be reduced and the processes and outcomes of audit data for improving the care of critically ill patients.

The aims of the Data Lead Subgroup are
The group meets to discuss on service provision for Data Leads in various units under the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Adult Critical Care Operational Delivery Network
The group will act as an initial reference point and source of advisory expertise to collaboratively inform NHS England initiatives and programme, furthermore providing advice and insight around delivery of services by Data Leads
The group will share expertise, knowledge, insight and discuss best practices to enable Digital and Data standards to be effectively developed and implemented in critical care areas. This will help ensure that Data services provided in the Network are reflective of the needs and view of the people who use them.
The group will discuss educational opportunities to members to support them in their ongoing professional development
The group will represent the views of Data leads working in Adult Critical Care areas in units under the Network
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